Golden Earring Newcastle Mayfair and Newcastle City Hall 1974

goldenearing Golden Earring are something of an institution in their home country of Holland. They formed in 1961, and are still playing to this day. In 1973 they had worldwide success with the song Radar Love, which is just a great rock song. The following year they toured the UK twice; calling at Newcastle Mayfair in March and at the City Hall in November. I remember my mate Norm and I going along to the Mayfair gig.  There was a massive queue to get in, and the place was absolutely crammed. We didn’t know much of their music, possibly only Radar Love, but really enjoyed the gig. Their lp at the time was Moontan, and I would imagine that the set was largely drawn from that album. photo-11 The most memorable thing that I remember about the City Hall gig later in the same year was the support act, who were Lynyrd Skynyrd, and blew Golden Earring off the stage that night.It was an unlikely pairing of acts even at the time, as Skynyrd were an up and coming band, having just released their second album. In fact, many members of the audience left after Skynyrd’s set. Golden Earring have not been much of a visitor to the UK since those days; I think they may have come over only once or twice since. I always bought a programme at gigs, but for some reason I don’t seem to have a copy of the programme for this concert. Many thanks to John for sending me a scan of his.

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