Archive for the ‘Belle and Sebastian’ Category

Belle and Sebastian Sage Gateshead 5 Dec 2010

Belle and Sebastian Sage Gateshead 5 Dec 2010
Laura had said for some time that she would like to see Belle and Sebastian, so when I saw that they were coming to the Sage I bought us two tickets. She promised me that I would enjoy them; I was certainly looking forward to the gig, and I was even missing Hawkwind who were playing at the Newcastle Academy on the same night.
The support act was a comedy act who Laura said was good, so for once we went along early to catch the start of the show. Glad we did. The double act was centred around a single story intertwined with songs; quite different, but pretty interesting.
After a short break, Belle and Sebastian took to the stage. They were accompanied by a full orchestra and their songs certainly benefited. From our seats half way back in the stalls, the sound was perfect and filled the hall. I can’t pretend to know many of their songs, but Laura had prepared a CD of a few of their better known tracks for me to play in the car before the gig. I can hear shades of 60s music in there: Donovan (the band are from Glasgow), Love, even Burt Bacharach. The gig itself was great, with the band going down really well with crowd. At one point the singer gets a few crowd members up on stage to dance with him.
A grat gig by a band who have a very strong following.
Setlist: I Fought in a War; Dirty Dream Number Two; Piazza, New York Catcher; I’m Not Living In The Real World; If You’re Feeling Sinister; Lord Anthony; I Want The World To Stop; Sukie In The Graveyard; The Fox In The Snow; I Can See Your Future; (I Believe In) Travellin’ Light; Write About Love; Dear Catastrophe Waitress; I Didn’t See It Coming; The Boy With The Arab Strap; If You Find Yourself Caught In Love; Simple Things; Sleep The Clock Around
Encore: Another Sunny Day; Me And The Major
Belle and Sebastian website:
