Archive for the ‘Delta Five’ Category

Gang of Four, Pere Ubu & Delta Five Newcastle Mayfair 1981

Gang of Four, Pere Ubu & Delta Five Newcastle Mayfair
gangoffour This was a pretty strong triple bill, with three influential bands on the same bill. I went along with my mate Norm, and neither of us were very familiar with the material of any of the bands. I’d seen Pere Ubu once before at an early gig at Newcastle University students union in 1978, and remember being fascinated by the very engaging frontman David Thomas. We’d both seen Delta Five at Darlington Arts Centre a years or so earlier. Gang of Four were new to both of us. gangoffourprog I remember the night as an evening of interesting music. Music critic Paul Morley has described the Gang of Four thus: “The Gang spliced the ferocious precision of Dr. Feelgood’s working-class blues with the testing avant-garde intrigue of Henry Cow”, which summarises their strange blend of music; I would also add an element of funk into the mix. The programme is quite interesting and is in a stapled paper fanzine format. Its very much a home made affair with a few pages produced by each of the three bands, lots of black and while photos and a family tree of the Gang of Four, Delta Five and the Mekons. Quite studenty, with listings of the names of absolutely everyone involved with the tour; the lighting people get a page, as do Minou and Hamish who did the zine, badges, visuals and shirts. Very democratic.Gang of Four were promoting the Solid Gold album at the time of the tour.